About us

Dealership and distributorship with Sigma Griplock for TMT bars in India. Trusted distributor of high-quality steel TMT bars in Uttar Pradesh
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Dealers Network

Years of manufacturing excellence, a glorious milestone achieved!

We are Sigma Group

Leading TMT Bar Manufacturer

Sigma Group, a stalwart conglomerate with over 30 years of legacy, stands as an industrial powerhouse, prominently shaping the Steel and Power sectors. Renowned for unwavering consistency and a sterling reputation, the group owes its success to years of hard work, innovation, and the leadership of an experienced, visionary team. Additionally, Sigma Griplock proudly represents the brand of Shree Radhe Radhe Ispat Pvt Ltd.

Uttar Pradesh ki No. 1 Brand

What is TMT Bar ?

Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt. Ltd. has proudly achieved the title of “Uttar Pradesh ki No. 1 Brand,” an honor bestowed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on World Standards Day. This recognition celebrates their unwavering commitment to delivering top-quality products consistently for five years in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt. Ltd.’s dedication to maintaining the highest standards has not only set them apart but has also set a benchmark for quality and excellence in the industry. This accolade reaffirms their position as a leader in providing superior products and upholding world-class standards in the region

Uttar Pradesh ki No. 1 Brand

Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt. Ltd. has proudly achieved the title of “Uttar Pradesh ki No. 1 Brand,” an honor bestowed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on World Standards Day. This recognition celebrates their unwavering commitment to delivering top-quality products consistently for five years in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt. Ltd.’s dedication to maintaining the highest standards has not only set them apart but has also set a benchmark for quality and excellence in the industry. This accolade reaffirms their position as a leader in providing superior products and upholding world-class standards in the region

What is TMT Bar ?

Contributing Proudly to Uttar Pradesh’s Infrastructure

Sigma Griplock takes immense pride in being NHAI approved, a testament to our commitment to quality and excellence. This approval reflects our dedication to contributing significantly to the development and strength of Uttar Pradesh’s infrastructure. Trust Sigma Griplock for robust solutions that build a resilient and progressive future for the state.

Contributing Proudly to Uttar Pradesh’s Infrastructure

Sigma Griplock takes immense pride in being NHAI approved, a testament to our commitment to quality and excellence. This approval reflects our dedication to contributing significantly to the development and strength of Uttar Pradesh’s infrastructure. Trust Sigma Griplock for robust solutions that build a resilient and progressive future for the state.

Sigma operations range from manufacturing of reinforcement steel TMT Bars, Billets, and has an Installed capacity to Generate 15 MW Power through solar.

Our core management team consists of veterans from the industry and are supported & assisted by team of experienced supervisor & technicians who have ample industry working experience. Each of the members brings valuable business insight to the overall operational and management process.

Our Group Company, Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt. Ltd. is a Manufacturer of country’s most leading & Renowned TMT Bar brand SIGMA GRIPLOCK. Sigma has its own manufacturing, marketing and sales network throughout U.P.

Our Group companies, M/s Kundan Castings Pvt. Ltd.; M/s Sigma Castings Limited and Sigma Metal and Power Pvt. Ltd. are engaged in manufacturing of mild steel Ingots & Billets, which are the raw material for manufacturing of TMT Bars. The company has an installed capacity to manufacture 250000 TPA of TMT Bars.

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30+ Glorious Years of Excellence

Glorious Journey of Sigma Group



Kundan Castings Pvt Ltd. Manufacturing of M.S. Ingots.


Manufacturing unit of M.S. Bars.


M/s.Sigma Metal and Power Pvt Ltd.


Sigma Castings Ltd. Manufacturing of M.S. Ingots.


Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt Ltd.


PSPN Synergy Pvt Ltd. Solar power plant of 15 MW


Launching of Fe550D TMT Bars
sigma logo about us

30+ Glorious Years of Excellence

Glorious Journey of Sigma Group



Kundan Castings Pvt Ltd. Manufacturing of M.S. Ingots.


Manufacturing unit of M.S. Bars.


M/s. Sigma Metal and Power Pvt Ltd. Manufacturer of steel Billet


Sigma Castings Ltd. Manufacturing of M.S. Ingots.


Shree Radhey Radhey Ispat Pvt Ltd.


PSPN Synergy Pvt Ltd. Solar power plant of 15 MW


Launching of Fe550D TMT Bars
sigma logo about us
Our Management


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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