Privacy Policy


At Sigma Griplock, safeguarding your privacy is paramount. We collect and handle your personal information with the utmost care. The key points are outlined below:

Personal Information Collection

We may collect personal information, such as your name and contact details, to improve your experience on our website. This information is shared voluntarily by you, and you can choose not to provide it.

Usage of Personal Information

We use your personal information exclusively for conducting business with you. Rest assured that we will not use or share your personal information unless required by law.

sharing Information

On occasion, we may share your information with our subsidiaries, business associates, or service providers, but only to facilitate our business relationship with you.

Aggregate Data and Analytics

To enhance our services, we collect and analyze aggregate data on how visitors use our website. This data is also shared with our subsidiaries and business associates.

Contests and Surveys

We may organize online contests and surveys in compliance with the law. The information collected may be used to enhance our services and is occasionally shared with our subsidiaries and business associates.


We may use cookies to enhance your website experience. Please note that these cookies do not collect personal information and do not compromise your privacy or security.


We reserve the right to revise our privacy policy without prior notice. These revisions aim to make the policy more user-friendly and in compliance with relevant regulations.

Please note that your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. By using our website and sharing your personal information, you are considered to accept the terms outlined in this privacy policy. If you have objections to any of these terms, please refrain from sharing your personal information.

This policy is subject to change, and we recommend periodic reviews to stay informed about how we handle your data.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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